Social Events

Wombats in the Wild!

July 1, 2022

On the night of Friday July 1, a big group of Tokyo Wombats left the burrow to attend the monthly drinks night for our sponsors Blue Compass in Shibuya. We are currently in the middle of the longest heat wave in Japan since 1857 when record keeping began, which coincidentally is the year of club

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Quiz Night 2019

November 9, 2019

The Tokyo Wombats held their annual quiz night for 2019 on November 9 at Tregion Port in Akasaka. It was a great night and successful fundraiser for the club, the highlight of which was a signed All Blacks jersey going under the hammer! Thank you to everyone on the organising committee, our quizmasters, those that

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Presentation Night 2018

December 8, 2018

The Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club held its annual Awards Presentation Night for the 2018 season on December 8 at Brew La La in Shimbashi. Click through for all the winners and a few pics.

Presentation Night 2017

December 2, 2017

The Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club held its annual Awards Presentation Night for the 2017 season on December 2 at Antenna America in Kannai, Yokohoma. It was a fun-filled night of course, with many awards presented and many cups of beer skulled! Click through for all the winners, some pics, and a video.

Dino hits 100!

May 26, 2017

  Congratulations to Jarrad Shearer on becoming the first Tokyo Wombat to achieve the prestigious milestone of 100 official appearances for the club! It is only fitting that the man we know affectionately as Dino(saur), the club’s founding father and lifeblood, is the first person to log 100 caps.

Presentation Night 2016

December 3, 2016

The Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club held its annual Awards Presentation Night for the 2016 season on December 3 at Antenna America in Kannai, Yokohoma. It was a fun-filled night of course, with many awards presented and many cups of beer skulled! See below for all the winners and some great pics and videos from the night.

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© Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club