From the Top

Message from the President

March 31, 2017

G’day Wombats and website visitors, Please read on for a summary of our 2016 season and where we are heading in 2017.

2017 Committee Positions

February 10, 2017

At the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club held on February 10, 2017, the club resolved to appoint the following committee members.

Message from the President

September 1, 2014

Esteemed Wombats! Various factors have prompted me to pump out a spiel of some sort in this section of the (soon to be replaced) website. First of all, the state of our team and its achievements on the playing field. Since the low of only a couple of seasons ago when we regularly struggled to

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Message from the President

June 29, 2013

Well, it’s been a long time between rants by TWCC presidents in this section of the website! As you can see below, the last one was just over four years ago by long-standing president J.Shearer. I am now in my third year as president of this great club – and to be honest, the last

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President Rant

March 13, 2009

I get pestered from our webmistress and others about how little I write for this section of the website. The answer I usually give is that the title says “President’s Rant” and there just isn’t anything to rant about. So when I write a rant without being asked to, you know that I have something

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Message from the President

February 27, 2009

A new season is fast approaching and in preparation for it, we had our AGM last Saturday. There was quite a bit of change for the club this year. Firstly, Chuck stepped down as captain and GT was elected in his place. Curly also stepped down as social secretary and was replaced by our webmistress,

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Japan Men’s National Team Selection Announced

October 15, 2007

You may know that last weekend a national team selection camp was conducted in Fuji, with as many as 28 players turning up to try out. As the Head Selector of the Japan Men’s National Team, I’m pleased to announce the squad for the up-coming 6-team tournament in Auckland, New Zealand from November 29 to

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President’s Rant for 2007 Season

March 21, 2007

The season is yet to “officially” begin, but the Wombats have already put in some quality pre-season drinking, ah, I mean training. We’ve had 2 net sessions, one at Shinagawa and the other at Goi, where a total of about 15 Wombats turned out. We’ve also had a very good hit out against the Shizuoka

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Captain’s Message for 2007 Season

March 21, 2007

G’day Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club and welcome back for the 2007 season. From a playing perspective we’re looking like having a busy start to the season. Practise games starting March 18th, the legendary Chiang Mai 6s in early April, the start of the J1C in mid-April and the Kobe Challenge at the end of May,

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From Middle Stick – Umps AngleZ

December 10, 2006

Guest article by Anton McCloy Now that the whites are being dusted off and some are maybe even “training” for the upcoming season it is a good time to look at last season from the umpiring angle. Firstly I’d like to congratulate Millennium on their win. A hard fought victory against the wily Wombats was

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© Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club